
My name is Gonzalo Fernandez but everyone calls me “Mountain”.
It’s not because I’m tall, I’ll tell you why if we ever meet.
I’ve been working in advertising since 2002, that’s 20 years and counting. It’s a lot but I’m still passionate about what I do (Maybe it’s because I’m passionate about everything I do).
I live in Argentina, and currently work in an agency (Grey Argentina) as an E.C.D. (Executive Creative Director) together with Juan Ure, but I also do freelance work and I’m always open to opportunities. If you want to work with me and help me survive in Argentina, or anything else like play a Street fighter II match against me, contact me at:


P.S.: I’m very good at Street fighter II.

Take a peek at my ilustrations:

Look at some of my design and art direction work:
 behance page 

Or read again all the info you are about to read,
only a bit more detailed, in my
 linkedin profile 


Grey Argentina (November 2019-Present)
E.C.D. Executive Creative Director.

Ponce Buenos Aires (August 2016-September 2019)
C.D. Creative Director.

Santo Buenos Aires (May 2016-August 2016)
C.D. Creative Director.

Mercado Mccann (September 2014-April 2016)
C.D. Creative Director.

Young&Rubicam Argentina (July 2010-September 2014)
Senior Art director, C.D. Creative Director.

*S.C.P.F. Argentina (March 2009-July 2010)
Junior Art director.

Young&Rubicam Argentina (March 2004-March 2009)
Junior Art director.

Agulla y Baccetti (May 2002-November 2002)
Illustrator trainee.


Freelance Illustrator (2005-Present)


Advertising and creativity Educator.

At “La Escuelita”, Escuela Superior de Creativos Publicitarios.

(March 2018-Present)

At “Underground” creativity school.
(March 2015-March 2018)

At I.S.P. “Instituto Superior de Publicidad” from the Advertising Argentine Agencies Asociation. (2006-December 2015)

Here are a few clients i´ve worked for:

The Coca Cola Company.
(Coca-Cola, Fanta)

(IKEA Chile)


Anheuser-Busch InBev.
(Corona beer, Michelob Ultra, Quilmes)

Fox Networks Group.
(FOX sports)

Turner Network Television.
(TNT sports)

Vrio Corp.

Bayer AG.

Visa inc.

Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales, S.A. - Leading argentine Oil company.

Grupo Peñaflor - Leading argentine winerie.
(Navarro Correas, Trapiche, Frizzé).

Grupo financiero Galicia - Leading argentine bank.
(Banco Galicia)

Arcor - Leading argentine food company specialized in confectionery.

Telefónica de Argentina S.A. - Leading argentine telecommunications company

Telecom Argentina S.A. - Leading argentine telecommunications company
(Personal, Fibertel)

Torneos y Competencias - Leading argentine sports broadcasting company


Here is a detail of some of the awards my work has archieved.

ChatAccount - Itaú bank.
GOLD - Cannes Lions, Mobile.
SILVER - Cannes Lions, Creative business transformation.
GOLD - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina, film.

The Interruptions Campaign - Tabcin, Bayer.
GOLD - Cannes Lions, Press.
SILVER - LIA, London International Awards, Print: Match.
SILVER - LIA, Print: Speech.
BRONZE - LIA, Press: Campaign.
GOLD - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Print: Match.
SILVER - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Press: Campaign.
GOLD - Diente, Print: Match.
SILVER - Diente, Press: Campaign.
BRONZE - ADC, Print: Match.
GOLD - Wave, Print: Match.
BRONZE - One Show, Press: Campaign.
GOLD - FIAP, Print: Match.
BRONZE - FIAP, Press: Campaign.
BRONZE - FIAP, Print: Speech.
SILVER - Cresta Awards, Outdoors: Campaign.
SILVER - Cresta Awards, Press: Campaign.
SILVER - Cresta Awards, Print: Match.
Best of health and personal care - The Cup, Campaign.
Best of health and personal care - The Cup, Orchestra.
Entry to the Luerzer's archive Magazine.

The Counter demoralization - Dossier Editorial.
GOLD - Wave.
GOLD - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina.
SILVER - El Sol.
SILVER - Ojo de Iberoamérica.
MERIT - The One Show.
SHORTLIST - Cannes Lions, Film.
SHORTLIST - Cannes Lions, Best script.
SHORTLIST - New York Festivals, Film.
SHORTLIST - FIAP, Iberoamerican Advertising Festival.

The Relegation - TyC Sports.
GOLD - New York Festival, Campaign.
GOLD - Ojo de Iberoamérica.
SILVER - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Campaign.
GOLD - Lapiz, Editorial Dossier.
BRONZE - El Sol.
MENTION - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina.
SILVER- Diente, Campaign.
GOLD - FIAP, Campaign.

TyC Sports - Inmigrants.
GOLD - CLIO, Film.
SHORTLIST - Cannes Lions, Film.
GOLD - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Film.
GOLD - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Online commercials.

Calmentaries - Glaciar.
Grand Prix - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina, Radio.
GOLD - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina, Radio.
SILVER - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina, Radio.
BRONZE - Clio Awards, Radio.
BRONZE - Effie Awards.
MERIT - One Show.
PLATA - El Sol, Contenidos sonoros.
PLATA - El Sol, Medios.
BRONZE - El Sol, Innovación en Branded Content.
Robbery - Freddo.
SILVER - Cannes Lions, Outdoors.
SILVER - CLIO, Poster.
GOLD - El Sol, Press.
GOLD - El Sol, Outdoors.
BRONZE - FIAP, Outdoors.
BEST WORK- WPPED Cream Annual, Press.
GOLD - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Press.
SILVER - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Outdoors.
GOLD - Diente, Outdoors.
SILVER - Diente, Press.
SHORTLIST - Montreaux.

Requiem - TyC Sports.
SILVER – Cannes Lions, film.
GOLD - New York Festival, Campaign.Español.
SILVER - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina.
SILVER - Diente, Campaign.
SILVER - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Campaign.
BRONZE - Ojo de Iberoamérica.
SILVER - Lapiz, Editorial Dossier.
GOLD - FIAP, Campaign.

Don't fear the finger - Lalcec.
BRONZE – Cannes Lions, film.
BRONZE – Cannes Lions, Health and Wellness.

Lookalikes - Directv.
SILVER - New York Festivals, Film.
SILVER - New York Festivals, Visual effects.
BRONZE - LIA, London International Awards, Film.
BRONZE - LIA, Visual effects.
BRONZE - ADC, Art Directors Club.
SHORTLIST - Cannes Lions.
SILVER - El Sol.
BRONZE - Ojo de Iberoamérica.
GOLD - Lapiz, Editorial Dossier.
SILVER - FIAP, Iberoamerican Advertising Festival.
GOLD, BRONZE - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina.

Race - Arcor, Topline.
GOLD - Lapiz, Editorial Dossier.
SILVER - FIAP, Festival Iberoamericano de Publicidad.
SILVER - Wave.
SILVER - Ojo de Iberoamérica.
BRONZE - El Sol.
SHORTLIST - Cannes Lions.

Brakeup letter. - TyC Sports.
GOLD - New York Festival, Campaign.
SILVER - Diente, Campaign.
SILVER - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Campaign.
BRONZE - Ojo de Iberoamérica.
GOLD - Sports, Media Marketing Awards.
GOLD - Lapiz, Editorial Dossier.
GOLD - FIAP, Campaign.

Sinceres - Fox Sports Premium & TNT Sports.
GOLD - Diente, Circulo de creatividad argentina, Film.
GOLD - Lapiz, Editorial Dossier, Film.
BRONZE - Ojo de Iberoamérica, Film.

Interruption - Navarro Correas & Argentina Open.
GOLD - Lapiz, Editorial Dossier, Film.